Tuesday, 14 August 2012

                Answers To Boston Quiz! Click Below!

 Click Below!To Watch A Video On How To Do Neon Colors       

 Click below to get answers to Awoozing Awoozing Race Mt Everest Quiz!


click below to Get answers to Awoozing Race Rio De Janeiro Quiz



  MyaWooz     MaxWooz     JennyWooz       JayWooz

Myawooz's Bags:                    
1. Rookie Quests
2. iVibe Central z 1
3. Woozworld Plaza 
4. Omz 
5. Booya
6. Park
8. surface
9. Fairy Chamber
10. Coconut Groove

Jaywooz's Caps:
1, rookie quests
2, Stylz
3. Foodz Showroom
4. Woozmart
5. Woozworld stadium
6. Libstreet Fashion room
7. Gluttonz Zoo
8. Movie Theatre
9. Mya Wooz's new boutique  
10, Max's game show



Monday, 13 August 2012

Woozworld has a player that was playing for 500 YEARS! :0! Most of the people think its a ghost! some think its a glitch!! there's Alot of glitches on woozworld! heres some pictures!

Justin bieber!
   which isn't
         on our 
                for background!!!                                                                       

Another picture of 
justin bieber!!!

If u can see '-' one of 
the mannequin is missing
 i think its a glitch '-'

Woozworld's Top New! : Woozworld Is Giving warnings to people for doing nothing :O Some people even got banned! Mod's Are banning people for no reason! It's Not fair to the people who did nothing! Mod's got to stop banning people for such small things! People are quitting Because woozworld is getting boring there's nothing to talk about , nothing to do!

Woozworld Is the most Exciting and Most Fantastic game! You can even take pictures! (:!

To Log In Woozworld From This Website Click Here /http://www.woozworld.com/